Tournament Conclusion Posted
The FINAL MATCH of the bodybuilders wrestling tournament has been posted to Stories.
Championship Match Preview Interviews
Interviews with each of the 2 finalists for the tournament championship have been added in magazine format to Stories, as an Interlude.
Accepting Customs Until July 26th
Custom Images are not normally accepted — but for a 5 day window any current or former members will be allowed to submit a custom order for a special story. For anyone who wanted to see more of a specific tournament character (or someone else), this is your chance to make a request to have a match tailored to your liking. Pricing is at the bottom. How Email admin@scissored.net before July 26th, 2021. Orders will not be accepted any time after that date. You can use the following template to order: Character #1: (your choice) Character #2 (your choice) Winner Preference: (optional) Featured Holds: (optional) Setting: (optional) Special Requests for the Match:…
1 More Queens-vs-Queens Match
The top two female bodybuilders from the Queens versus Queens bracket face off in Stories. The winner will go on the Tournament Championship match, where they face off against the winner of the Kings versus Queens bracket. Who will make it to the Tournament Championship match? 16 bodybuilders gets narrowed down to just 2!
Kings Bracket Finals
Check out Stories to find out who is crowned atop the Kings vs Queens bracket.
FvF Semis Are ON!
Check out Stories for the semi-final match-ups of the Queens vs Queens bracket. The winning 2 ladies will have made it to the final 4 and to the Queens vs Queens finals. As a side note, there will be very limited preview images going forward, since any image would be a spoiler to those who aren’t caught up in the previous rounds yet. Feel free to reach out for any preview information if you’re considering signing up. Also feel free to check out our FAQ page for other general questions, if you’re new to the site.