• What's New Posts

    Whitney vs Mara

    Whitney takes on Mara in an intense rematch to determine who is superior. This time Maika will be watching the match unfold until one woman just can’t take it anymore. Check out female wrestling action in Stories with “Setting an Example”.

  • Literary Tales

    What If Mara Kept Fighting?

    This is a text-only story that examines what may have happened if Mara continued fighting against Yvonne, instead of becoming subservient to her when she passed out in Yvonne vs Mara. As with all Literary Tales posts, this is “what if” style and contains no images.  The story picks up right after Mara wakes up from passing out in Yvonne vs Mara. The difference this time is no facesitting has occurred yet. Can Mara change her fate? Let’s see what outcome the match simulation system gives us… Yvonne looks down at a waking Mara with a smirk. “Wipe that cocky look off your face, Yvonne”, Mara grumbles as she gets up.…

  • What's New Posts

    BBW vs FBB Match

    Today’s update features a new BBW named Gemma taking on FBB Lindsay in a competitive one-on-one match. Gemma might be new to Scissored.Net but she’s been at this gym longer than Lindsay and unlike her previous rivals, Gemma doesn’t mince any words about it. Check out the Stories section for Part 2 of Exiled.    

  • What's New Posts

    Lindsay vs Kya

    It hasn’t been easy for Lindsay and Kya lately. But who is more to blame? Well, these two women want to determine the answer to this just as well. As such, they face off against each other in a single submission/KO match in Exiled Part 1, in Stories. Minor SPOILERS follow…   This is another match where one woman establishes quick and clear dominance over the other. If you’re looking for a long awaited super-sized update, stay tuned for Part 2, coming soon. The ending of this one sets up the part 2 FvF match. There is a mixed match planned after part 2 as well, but work on that…

  • What's New Posts

    Tatyana’s Debut FvF Match

    Tatyana returns to action, but this time she faces a tougher opponent in The White Queen Part 2 on Stories. More SPOILERY description follows…   The first thing to note is that this match is about the same length as Part 1 (but a little more competitive).  Yvonne’s friend Hattie has been standing in for her to run Queen Gear, while Yvonne is away. In case you don’t remember Hattie, here’s a picture: Hearing about how Lindsay and Kya have been making the brand look bad, she’s allowed Erika to represent the Queen Gear brand for now. Yvonne has been too busy to get involved in the decision making at all…

  • What's New Posts

    The White Queen Has Arrived

      A mixed match has been added to Stories featuring The White Queen. For those that may read too much into some hints and don’t mind minor SPOILERS, feel free to keep reading…     Naturally, there are some references to Yvonne in this story. The intention is simply to acknowledge her absence and give a new lady a shot at filling the gap, in her own way. This is not meant to hint at an imminent return of Yvonne. Eventually Yvonne will return, but that is not the focus of this storyline.

  • Literary Tales

    Lindsay vs Erika — Alternate #2

    This is a text-only “what if?” style story that could have taken place at the end of the “Bullies” storyline, instead of the photo shoot match. There were 2 original versions of a Lindsay versus Erika one-on-one simulated; this is the second one. Note that the beginning of the story is the same as Alternate #1, so feel free to re-read or scroll down past it. The big difference is that the following action in the second simulated match itself is entirely different. Monique walks past Lindsay… “This place is turning into a fucking fat farm over here”, Lindsay comments — “I wouldn’t even care if Erika’s friends weren’t so…

  • Literary Tales

    Lindsay vs Erika — Alternate #1

    This is a text-only “what if?” style story that could have taken place at the end of the “Bullies” storyline, instead of the photo shoot match. There were 2 original versions of a Lindsay versus Erika one-on-one simulated; this is the first one.  Monique walks past Lindsay… “This place is turning into a fucking fat farm over here”, Lindsay comments — “I wouldn’t even care if Erika’s friends weren’t so damn arrogant”, Kya says. “Finally we agree on something”, Lindsay says. “It’s one thing to be behind, but then act like you’re ahead too.. c’mon” — Seeing Christina walk by, Lindsay flags her over. “Well Kya, I heard Monique wasn’t…

  • What's New Posts

    Zoe Wins the Vote

    Zoe earns the victory over Christina, as voted on by you! Thank you for making this one of the more active polls. Feel free to share any strong opinions (constructive) you may have had about this story format. Check out Stories to view Part 2 of The Hot Sister. Normally the result wouldn’t be posted so openly, but the story begins with the vote result and we already knew there would be punishment, so it’s not much of a spoiler. If you voted for Christina, don’t feel bad, because you weren’t alone (I did too lol). There is a little short POV side thing for anyone who can’t bring themselves to…