Reality TV Saga Continues…
Episode 4 of Vanity is up!. Please reserve final judgement on this series until Episode 6 🙂
Episode 3 of Reality Series
Episode 3 of Vanity has been added today, to Stories. Find out who the final 4 are!
99 Photos added for Episode 2
Episode 2 of the new Reality Series has been added. This is the longest photo story yet, with 99 photos. This one features 2 people that can’t stand each other and can’t fathom the thought of losing to the other.
Reality TV Photo Story Update
The photo story for the first episode has been posted. Check it out!
Preview: Reality TV Series
Just wanted to share a little preview of a new concept that’s been worked on. The idea is to tell a series of photo stories as if it were a reality TV show. In this reality TV show, there will be 3 guys and 3 girls living in a house together. Like most reality shows, there will be elimination contests – except these will all be wrestling matches with different rules or risks to them. This should help to give a little more background to the characters and give the matches and rivalries more weight to them. Here are a couple preview images:
Latest Update Today
A new story has been added. We try to make interesting penalties for the losers, without spoiling it too much in the descriptions – this one is no exception.
Part 2 is Up
Part 2 of the latest Gladiator Arena story is up!
Yesterday’s Update
A new Gladiator Arena story was added yesterday, but the post here to mention it was missed. Check out the Stories section if you haven’t since yesterday.
“Scissor Size-Up” Photo Story
The Stories section has been updated with a new photo story – Scissor Size-Up. As a side note, there will be an update in the near future that will feature a multi-part return to the Gladiator Arena.
“Motion Story” Update
This update features the character work art in progress that was recently posted. It’s a new format and quite a bit different – a bit hard to explain, so just check it “The Noovarian Champion” in Stories. As usual, if you particularly love any of the new/different stuff make sure to let us know so that we do more of it.