Free Update
A free match between Yvonne and gym rival Jacky has been added to Stories.
As a thank you to members, there is a special 4K Downloadable version of this story. This has all images upgraded to 4K quality and has the story (html file) for you to view locally, with improved CSS so that that if your monitor resolution is below 4K, it will auto-resize the 4K image to the size of your browser.
Lastly, you’ll notice that the site has been updated. If you know why, then you know why :). Feel free to report any issues to
Like new changes to the site. Also great tournament, excellent art, like always great storyline congratz !!! Tournament winner has the looks and temperament to be great banner girl, and hey maybe Maras potential teacher is closer than she thinks 😉
Thank you Raziell! Agreed, she certainly fits the banner girl role well.
Very interesting comment about Mara….